IDS Plan

The last project assigned in my Inquiry class this year is to make a plan for your independent directed study for next year. My plan will appear below.  My plan could change by next year but the subject will definitely be the same.  You can expect to see postings of this IDS here in the new year 🙂

  1. Chiropractic/natural medicines

Question: Are alternative medicines and procedures a viable alternative to surgery?

2. Milestone ending project — Job shadow a series of appointments with Kelly record/take note of patients progress. How long did it take to see a difference in the animal’s health?

Possible side projects throughout the year…

– Comparing one breed’s build to another’s. Why would one breed benefit from chiropractic work more than another

– How do x-race horses benefit from chiropractic work rather than surgeries/firing/potentially put to sleep

– Why puppies should be adjusted shortly after birth to promote healthy growing? Is it of same importance to small and large breeds?

3. Ressources:

– Dr. Kelly Perott (animal chiropractor)

  • Dr. Lemon (Prolotherapy specialist)
  • Ann Jackson (Dog trainer)
  • Possibly other online articles/blogs for other vet’s/specialists opinions

4. Online blog

– Will have around 18 blogs by the end of this IDS

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Spring Break

Back from a nice, and relaxing spring break going back to my favourite place to be, 100 mile, bc.  I normally go up to stay with my grandpa, but this break I went to stay with my best friend at her dad’s house who lives in 108 mile. They’re a family of photographers so we were up early almost every morning to see some beautiful spots for the scenery. As well as exploring around 108 and 100 mile, we went out a bit to 150 mile and then to Clearwater. I had a great time there, and got to explore a few new places that I’ve never been before.


On our way up… Stop in Lytton


100 Mile Falls






Frozen pond in 108 mile

Frozen pond in 108 mile

Helmcken Falls in Wells Gray Provincial Park, Clearwater BC

Helmcken Falls in Wells Gray Provincial Park, Clearwater BC

Snow puppy Sophia at 100 Mile Falls

Snow puppy Sophia at 100 Mile Falls


108 Mile field along the pipeline


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Goldfish Inquiry


For an inquiry a classmate, Nicole, and I wanted to do a biology based animal inquiry.  We wanted something we could physically experiment ourselves without having to research anything, and because of course we were limited on animals we could experiment on and have in the school, we ended up with goldfish.  We purchased 3 goldfish and kept 2 of the goldfish together (BoJack, BillyBob) in one tank and had 1 goldfish on its own (Bubbles) in another tank. The experiment was to see which tank of goldfish would be healthier. Will the goldfish with a companion seem healthier? Or will the goldfish on its own, not getting bullied for food, and having more space be healthier?  To limit a variable in the experiment we had a small scale to weigh the amounts of food we put in the fish tanks to make sure the amounts were equal to the number of fish.  We continued this experiment, weighing, and observing the fish for about a month.  The following is the final write up about the fish and our conclusions drawn from this inquiry…

Weights of the 3 fish


  • Started weighing one week after purchase
  • Bubbles is the fish in a tank on his own
  • Bojack and BillyBob are the two fish together in a tank

From this I think it’s healthiest for the fish to live on its own. It doesn’t seem to mind being alone, it’s just as active as the other two. Being the medium weight, it is most likely to be the healthiest.

Tank 1 has the fish with the medium weight

Tank 2 (with two fish) has the heaviest out of three fish and the lightest

When there’s one fish in a tank you can monitor exactly how much food it’s getting.

In a tank with two fish (even when you double the amount of what would be given to 1 fish) you can’t monitor how much each is getting and if it will be divided up equally.

In this case one fish (BoJack) is eating more than the other (BillyBob), who weighs the least.

Bojack is eating more than of half of what they are being fed because he also weighs more than the fish on its own (Bubbles).

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The following is an assignment for iHub reads called, iSearch.  To complete the iSearch we had to search for any detail in our book that stood out to us or we found interesting, and would like to learn more about. By analyzing that detail, rereading it, and by researching it, we discover as much about that detail as possible and think about for what reason it was put in the book and what it symbolizes.

The Wolves 

In the first chapter, Jonathan Harker is on the horse carriage nearing Dracula’s castle, which is when he first encounters the wolves. At first he only heard some distant growls but then the carriage horses became uneasy and the sound of the wolves started getting closer and louder. They were sounding like they were beginning to close in on them and it was very threatening. The growling wolves in the foggy night went along with the story’s mood, how it was being described as, dark, wet, frightening, quiet, lonely.  Jonathan does get to the castle without being harmed.  In chapter 3 Jonathan hears the wolves again from inside the castle and we realize from the Count’s reaction to them he is most likely in control of the wolves.

After rereading the sections of the book talking about the wolves it’s clearer to understand the meaning of them, especially now knowing that Dracula is the one who owns and is in charge of them.  The wolves are over powering, and intimidating, in many ways just like the Count. Dracula enjoys showing what he has and how powerful he is. To him the wolves represent his great power. It shows how much Dracula is capable of, being able to control all the wolves.  Also, having the wolves must remind him of back when he was king of an army. Having the wolves is just like having an army and he still feels the same power from having something he can have complete control of.

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