Spring Break

Back from a nice, and relaxing spring break going back to my favourite place to be, 100 mile, bc.  I normally go up to stay with my grandpa, but this break I went to stay with my best friend at her dad’s house who lives in 108 mile. They’re a family of photographers so we were up early almost every morning to see some beautiful spots for the scenery. As well as exploring around 108 and 100 mile, we went out a bit to 150 mile and then to Clearwater. I had a great time there, and got to explore a few new places that I’ve never been before.


On our way up… Stop in Lytton


100 Mile Falls






Frozen pond in 108 mile

Frozen pond in 108 mile

Helmcken Falls in Wells Gray Provincial Park, Clearwater BC

Helmcken Falls in Wells Gray Provincial Park, Clearwater BC

Snow puppy Sophia at 100 Mile Falls

Snow puppy Sophia at 100 Mile Falls


108 Mile field along the pipeline


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